Tuesday 28 July 2009

New regulation expected in western capital markets

New financial regulations and higher capital regulations are inevitable, because it is clear by now that too much reliance on concepts like fair value accounting drags the balance sheet too far away from the reality and excessive innovation, more accurately, deliberate attempt to make it difficult for buyers to know the real picture of the securities involved in many derivatives which is a big reason behind trillion dollar crisis termed as Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction. CDSs are especially notorious as well as the short selling to cause the fall of companies. I think there will be more rules guiding the valuation of financial products, higher capital & margin requirements and stricter rules on issuance of MBS/ABS. And of course to stop Madoff like scandal, there could be a compulsory requirement for third party administration of accounts involving pension fund,hedge fund and mutual fund.
This will impact the capital market by reducing the amount of capital involved and the volume of transaction, lower number of creation of exchange based derivatives, funds going into low regulated markets, and overall lower level of economic activities which will reduce the overall growth of capital and financial markets however it will bring more stability and predictability. No doubt it will further reduce the incentive for many investment as regulation cost money and that will be charged back to investors.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Where to start to looking for a good stock?

There are no fixed rule to start to look for a good stock however I would advice the following:

1. In case of a foreign market (if you do not invest in India) look how good the country is doing economically, socially( because social unrest can damage your investment),politically etc etc. A good way to look into this is to use Porter's Diamond which analyses a country's competitiveness in terms of five important indicators:http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/global/diamond/

2.Watch the industry it is operating into,
a.how bad the competition is, how easy it is to enter the market, watch out suppliers and buyers capacity to negotate with companies and what are the subsitute that can be offered for the companies product/services.

3.Do a more intense economic analysis. Find out the government plan on investment,interest rates,steps to control inflation and unemployment,policies on divestment and deregulations,FDI etc.

4.A thorough analysis of company's business and finance is required at a later stage when all above steps gives no red signal. Find out whether company is having high P/E ratios/industry P/E ratio, Div%,Current share price/one years highest share price,P/BV ratio etc and if answer to any of those is yes, we need further investigation in the financial statement of the company, however it does not mean that one should not analyse the Financial Statement of the companies for a better understanding of the companies' financial health. I will explain in next blogs how to analyse financial statements under various accounting standards.
=P/BV ratio*(Current/52weeks highest price)*P/E of company
P/E of industry
The lower the ratios better the investment, however I would not consider a ratios bigger than 2 worth investing unless there are strong factors supporting the company's prospects of grwoth such industrial dominance,government plans and company's recent growth in the market which can not be taken into account by the ratios above.

5.Find out how company is performing in business as compared with the competitors and whether there is any legal cases,bank covenant,lack of supply of raw materials or other restrictive conditions against the company's ability to do the business optimally.

6.Find out if banks are still willing to give the finance for the company's business needs and whether company has been performing consistently well previosuly, if yes it will be a more reliable stock than one which does not perform consistently.

It is about investment and economics of India and World

Right now the world is going through a massive tectonic shift under its financial system and this will be a witness of the time when the new world order starts to manifest. It is a bit chaotic but not all is bad. This change is difficult to understand but it will make sense sooner.
Here I will introduce some of the way which will help us understand some of the most confusing phenomena around us and in the world 'sfinancial market. I will introduce some analytical techniques to differentiate between the growth and value stock and between matured and developing industry and most importantly, how many factors are interlinked. I will help you see the importance of various economic indicators on our financial well being including but not limited to stock exchange. It will also help you get a glimpse into various other interesting business events around us which has affected us in the past and which will continue to do so in future in various ways. You must understand them.

Keep reading and I assure you it will be a great journey towards many discoveries............................

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